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The year in focus

Welcome to the festive season edition of EMM-Chat.

What a great year for the growth of EMMETT Therapies. I feel like a head gardener who has prepared the plot, fertilized the ground, planted the seeds and with the assistance of other gardeners (very good therapists), I have watched the amazing growth of each separate plot, EMMETT, EMM-Tech and TBT. The New Year will see the fruits of their labour and the opportunity to watch the therapies in full bloom. What a beautiful time of life.

I would like to thank all those who assisted in this growth. May you all have the pleasure of knowing the feed back, sharing and trust you have contributed has counted in seeing the technique appear in 5 other countries with EMM-Tech being shared in even more.

There are three stories that I believe need commenting on, as the interest in these was overwhelming.

The first is the Lee Mules story - the Australian woman who is blind and deaf due to a viral infection. Lee's recovery is spectacular. As I write this, she is leaving for Brisbane for a hearing implant in one ear. This is an opportunity no one believed would ever happen. She has had hearing return to her other ear and a vision improvement as well. After her last medical check, many were shocked at the nerve re- growth in her ears and her progress.

We laughed as Lee reminded me she had once said "Stick with me and I will make you famous". She is certainly one gutsy lady. Her results from her trip to Brisbane will be known on the 21/01/11 and we will inform you of her continual progress. Best wishes Lee from all of us.

The second is the invitation of Emmett therapist, Debbie Keighran, to work with a major state transport company in treating staff and working towards injury reduction. Debbie has only been using Emmett and the outcome has been fantastic. Her treatment outcomes were recorded and tabled over a 3 then 6 month period and the results showed a dramatic improvement in the lost time injury rate.

The company was so impressed that they have contracted therapists in other state workshops to perform the same treatments. The conditions being they are to only perform Emmett and the treatments are to be based on the EP1 training days. Therefore, the treating therapist will need to state that they are using Emmett only when treating the workshop staff, thereby creating referrals for Emmett only treatments. This puts the future of Emmett Therapists in a very special place. We will keep you updated and a personal big thanks to Deb.

The third story is about the person behind EMM-Chat. Lynda, who many of you have spoken to but have never met, has been the person with the passion for the testimonials and stories that have made EmmChat possible. And, Lynda herself has been one of these stories. Lynda is stepping up to grow as a therapist with her unbridled passion for Emmett and her desire and ability to assist everyone she comes into contact with. She will be spending more time developing her ability in all forms of the therapy and will also be sharing her knowledge of the value of EMM-Tech in a tutors role. Deep thanks Lynda for all that you have done during 2010.

From Karen and myself, along with the office team of Jaime, Lynda and Peta, we sincerely wish you all a great Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.