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Update from UK & Ireland

Ireland now has two fully qualified Emmett therapists, as well as 13 students in training. Donal Campbell and Hilary Campbell-Martin, both from Belfast, joined a large and enthusiastic group in Birmingham recently to review their Module 6 and receive their final certificates from Regi Scherrer. Sue Gassick visited the Republic of Ireland in February to teach Module 3 and these lucky students will receive their Module 4 training from Ross at the end of March.

Sue and Debbie are committed to running more courses in Ireland and to this end, Ross will deliver two short workshops, one in the North and one in the South, when he visits the Emerald Isle.

In the UK, demand for the Emmett Technique continues to grow. Sue and Debbie will be involved in starting 3 new courses over the next few months, with more to be arranged. Our Emm-Tech tutors are doing a sterling job, sharing the magic and passing on such enthusiasm that many of their students are continuing on to take the professional course. TBT101 is also gaining a reputation for achieving great results in Bowen therapy and Regi is already booked for the next course in July. We're looking forward to our summer and to the first Equine Muscle Management courses both in UK and Ireland.

Debbie Buck